Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Painting Interrupted - "The Opposite Shore" 1987/2003

Started in 1987, this painting got packed up and placed in a storage unit in Southern California, along with the rest of my artwork, supplies and tools. There it lay fallow for sixteen years. When I collected my art from storage and brought it home to Portland in 2003, the grey sky, some green underpainting, and a rough sketch in indigo linework was all that existed here. I had recently completed seven paintings on canvas that I'd stretched onto bars made in 1988. Once I got the feel of my paint craft back again, I returned to this canvas, which was charged with meaning for me as the symbol of my separation, and my return as well, from my former life as an artist. This painting contains the root imagery for the drawing "Flow" as well as the drawings and paintings that will form the supporting cast in my upcoming exhibition in May, where it will be seen for the first time.

oil on canvas 25 x 35

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