Here is my final work so far involving the archetecture of infrastructure in the city of Portland. I realized that I've finished up with the series of paintings that I did for the Buckman School Art Show and Sell, but along the lines of the Show and Sell, this painting was made specifically for a fundraiser - a failed attempt by the Portland Art Center (PAC), to raise enough extra cash to keep it's doors open. The show was called "PDX Panels" The Art Center passed out 300 30 x 30 plywood panels to area artists to work with however they wanted. I followed the basic formula that I used for the Show and Sell, choosing to work from a photo of a familiar Portland landmark. I gave myself no time limitation for this painting, and therefore allowed myself to give it a more polished finish and plenty of artistic license in the sky, which was purely creative fabrication. A friend noted the similarity in the sky to Munch's painting "The Scream" Not intentional, but perhaps subconciously, my knowlege of art history leaks into my work occaisonally?
oil on plywood
30 x 30
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